Friday, August 6, 2010

Pathology gourmet

Pathology loves to describe.
Some of its description are based on food.
Shown here are a few commonly used.

1. Cheese
Caseation necrosis in tuberculosis.

2. Fried egg
Oligodendrogioma and seminoma

3. Mushroom

4. Anchovy sauce
Amoebic liver abscess

5. Strawberry
Cholesterolosis of gallbladder

6. Red currant jelly

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Permainan dengan lagu/ GAmes with rhymes - Malay Sarawak

All rhymes were never written.
The rhymes were passed down to the next generation through words and hearing.
Wondering if any of those rhymes match with other language?

1. Sin Sin Napa

Everybody will sit down with both legs straight.
Sing this rhyme til it end.
Where it ends, the person gotta bend her knee.
The last person with her leg still straight lose.

" Sin Sin Napa
Menakik nior pundong
Puntong kaki
Puntong tangan
Tak dapat Sinta pulang"

2. Cam Cam Mek

All will spread their hands.
Sing this rhyme.
When it end you gotta bend your finger.
The last person with her finger still spread lose.

" Cam Cam Mek
Si Kacang jorop
Okop Okop
Si Air limau
Patah Paku
Patah midin
Cari Aku
Teluk dinding.